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New Innovation Fund launched in South Yorkshire

Deadline for applications: 21st March 2024

In partnership with the South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board, the South Yorkshire Innovation Hub is launching a new award scheme aimed at exploring innovative ideas to address health inequalities experienced by the health and care workforce.

In South Yorkshire over 300,000 people deliver health and care across a range of settings from NHS trusts and primary care to social care and as unpaid carers and volunteers. This new funding opportunity will enable the health and care sector to test ideas to help reduce health inequalities for the health and care workforce while improving their health and wellbeing.

Grants of up to £25k are on offer to successful applicants from the region, including from NHS trusts, primary care, social care, academia, charitable sector organisations, local authorities and businesses. We are particularly interested in receiving partnership bids from teams across providers in different clinical areas based within South Yorkshire.

Sarah Dew, South Yorkshire Innovation Hub Director said:

“The South Yorkshire Innovation Hub is pleased to be working with South Yorkshire ICB to support this new innovation fund. Tackling health inequalities is a national priority and moral imperative, and approaching this through the health and wellbeing sector’s role as an anchor employer is innovative in and of itself. We are looking forward to seeing the creative ideas from partners about how we can positively impact on the health of our workforce”.

The South Yorkshire Innovation Hub is part of Health Innovation Yorkshire & Humber and embedded within the South Yorkshire Integrated Care System.

Applications in scope:

  • Innovations proposing ideas that are targeted at addressing health inequalities in the workforce.
  • Ideas that help South Yorkshire ICB with known health inequalities challenges faced by the workforce.
  • Ideas that help South Yorkshire ICB address the gaps in knowledge and that help generate new insight into the health inequalities challenges faced by the workforce.

Applications out of scope

  • Expansion/extension of existing workplace-based schemes, including wellbeing initiatives.
  • Wider health and wellbeing schemes that don’t address health inequalities.
  • Proposals that refer staff to existing, pressured, NHS services.


  • Applications are now open and will close at midnight on Thursday 21st March.
  • The Assessment Panel will shortlist projects in line with the Assessment Criteria. We expect to invite shortlisted applicants to present their proposals to the Assessment Panel in April 2024.
  • It is anticipated successful applicants will be notified by the end of April 2024.
  • Written confirmation detailing the terms of funding will be sent out for agreement to the successful awardee’s organisation.
  • Funding expected to be transferred to successful awardee organisation from April 2024.
  • Delivery of successful projects is expected to begin from May 2024 and be complete by 31st May 2025.
  • Awardees will be required to submit and end of project report by 31st May 2025.

Apply now

Find out more about the application criteria

For further information about this Innovation Fund, please contact Health Innovation Yorkshire and Humber via email