Robotic process automation opportunities for primary care
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is software that uses virtual workers (robots) to perform and automate repetitive administrative tasks by emulating human processes.
The idea behind this technology is to reduce the need for human intervention in repetitive manual tasks. It can provide organisations with immediate productivity gains, near zero error rates, reduced operational costs, and the opportunity to increase the quality of patient care. Frequently reported opportunities for RPA support in primary care include appointment management, call and recall, triage and consultation, prescription processing, referrals, coding from clinic letters, and translation.
This event is for:
- GPs
- Practice managers
- Practice nurses
- Dentists
- Opticians
- Digital and corporate service leads
- Finance managers working within primary care.
The event will:
- Increase understanding of RPA and its benefits
- Provide an overview of the National RPA Centres of Excellence
- Learn from the experiences of colleagues in both primary and secondary care settings in their adoption of RPA
- Identify potential barriers to adoption and possible steps to address these
- Help us understand interest and commitment to this area of work within primary care in West Yorkshire
Speakers will include:
- Saf Angelo, Deputy Director – Digital Productivity, NHS England
- Darren Atkins, Chief Technology Officer – Intelligent Automation, Royal Free London NHS Trust
- Dr Emma Broughton and Martin Eades – Priory medical Group, York
- Yasmin Baker, Head of Digital First, NHS North West London
- Francesca Quartarulli & Atif Mahmood, Project Managers Yorkshire & Humber AHSN
We regret that this event is not open to registrations from commercial companies.
Introduction & Background Francesca Quartarulli & Atif Mahmood, Yorkshire & Humber AHSN
Process Automation & Regional Digital Transformation – Saf Angelo, Deputy Director – Digital Productivity, NHS England
Primary Care Automation Adoption Projects at the Royal Free – Darren Atkins, Chief Technology Officer – Intelligent Automation, Royal Free London NHS Trust
Process Automation in Yorkshire – Priory Medical Group York, Dr Emma Broughton & Martin Eades – Priory medical Group, York
Insights in Process Automation – Yasmin Baker, Head of Digital First, NHS North West London
11:15-11:30 Q&A
Book your free place via our Eventbrite page.