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YHealth for Growth partners bring white paper to parliament

Posted: 23rd October 2024

Yesterday (22 October), Health Innovation Yorkshire & Humber held an event at the House of Commons to discuss how the recommendations in the YHealth for Growth white paper ‘Empowering local places for health and prosperity: new perspectives from  Yorkshire and the Humber’ can support the ambitions of the new government to tackle health and economic inequalities as well as regional leaders’ strategic priorities for their places.

The event was hosted by Fabian Hamilton, MP for Leeds North East, and speakers from all three YHealth for Growth partners – Yorkshire Universities, NHS Confederation and Health Innovation Yorkshire & Humber – took to the stage to articulate how the recommendations in the white paper align with three of the government’s key missions: kickstarting economic growth, building an NHS fit for the future and breaking down barriers to individual opportunity.

The emphasis on devolution of powers is a fundamental tool to help kickstart economic growth. There is compelling evidence that locally led interventions deliver better outcomes enabling local leaders across sectors to work together and find more creative and tailored solutions to the specific challenges faced by their diverse communities.

The recent Darzi report has further underlined the critical role of the NHS in contributing to a prosperous and inclusive economy. A place-based approach underpinned by greater collaborative working will be essential to making progress against the three reforms highlighted by the Prime Minister in the wake of the report focusing on prevention, greater adoption of health technologies and more care delivered directly in the community.

Attended by regional leaders, cross-party MPs, NHS executives, and representatives of influential national bodies, the event was an ideal platform to discuss actions to improve people’s health and grow the economy. Achieving these goals requires true partnership work and a place-based approach, which we’ve outlined in our updated white paper.

Richard Stubbs, chief executive, Health Innovation Yorkshire & Humber said:

“Our report focuses on People, Place, Partnerships, Purpose – the 4Ps that we believe can really support the current direction of travel, putting more tools in the hands of local leaders.

“With our diverse economy, and as one of only a handful of regions to be fully covered by mayoral devolution deals from next year, Yorkshire and the Humber offers the perfect test bed for trialling new devolved powers and ways of working that could close health and economic disparities and make a significant contribution to the government’s missions.

It’s an important time to be influencing health and policy in the UK and we look forward to integrating our work into the government’s 10 year plan for the NHS and its industrial strategy.”

As well as putting forward the recommendations to national leaders, the parliamentary event also provided an opportunity for national policymakers to learn first-hand about how our region is leading the way on collaborative, cross-sector approaches to improving health and economic growth, through a showcase of innovative initiatives already underway, including:

Read the white paper in full.

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