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Supporting joined up care across our region

Posted: - 29th October 2019

One of the first five Local Health and Care Record Exemplars awarded by NHS England; the Yorkshire & Humber Care Record received £7.5m in national investment which is match funded by the region. We have supported the development of the Yorkshire & Humber Care Record from the initial bid for exemplar status. Our Director of Enterprise and Innovation is a member of the Yorkshire & Humber Digital Care Board and we have provided resources, including funds, to support the programme.

The programme’s objectives are to provide the right information to the right person at the right time. It will do this by delivering a digital care record, linking clinical systems, improving intelligence and providing digital tools that enable people to be actively involved in their care and wellbeing. This will improve care by providing timely and relevant information for care professionals and citizens securely and safely.

The Yorkshire & Humber Care Record team is working with 74 organisations across the region including Humber Coast and Vale Health and Care Partnership, South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Integrated Care System, West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health and Care Partnership and 725 individual GP practices. The success of pilot activity to date will allow further involvement from more organisations across the region in 2019-20.