Cancer Research UK: Clinical Trial Awards
Deadline for applications: 17th February 2022
Applications must be:
- From a UK university, research institution, clinical centre or clinical trials unit (CTU)
- For investigator-led, interventional studies of cancer treatment
- Developed with the involvement of an UKCRC registered CTU
Scientific remit
The types of studies that fit this scheme are typically:
- Phase 1a/2 dose finding trials testing safety, tolerability and preliminary efficacy (including novel combinations of therapies and radiotherapy, and novel indications)
- Phase 1b/2 or phase 2 trials testing the viability of larger trials, including the ability to recruit and/or to explore tolerability or efficacy of treatments
- Window of opportunity studies
- Phase 2/3 or phase 3 trials to investigate the efficacy, effectiveness and tolerability of interventions with the aim of improving survival.
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