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Remote Monitoring and Virtual Wards Resource Series: Stage 5 – Sustain

Written by: Nicola Chicken - 2nd May 2023

Since 2020 we have been working with health and care providers across our region to support their ambition to roll out digital remote monitoring solutions that will transform the way we care for people. Our experience of the end-to-end implementation process provided an extensive set of learnings about deploying these solutions and the challenges and benefits they can bring to patients, families, carers, staff, the system and wider society.

Over the last few months, we have published a series of resources to support our NHS colleagues implementing remote monitoring solutions and virtual wards based on our practical learnings and experience. This has been shaped around the idea of the Implementation Wheel which is made up of five key stages: Start, Engage, Deliver, Embed and Sustain. The first four in our series explored topics such as the end-to-end implementation process, writing a business case, digital solution selection, setting up an evaluation, benefits measurement, training and IT set up and post go-live activities.

As we bring the series to a close with the fifth and final stage – Sustain – we are pleased to share an infographic outlining activities to undertake to ensure the sustainability of your service and a link to the online library of existing Virtual Wards and Remote Monitoring resources we have created to support you further.

We are also keen to gather your feedback on our series of resources via a short online survey.

If you would like to get in touch with us about virtual wards and remote monitoring, please feel free to email project manager Nicola Chicken at

Virtual Wards and Remote Monitoring Resource Library

Our series of resources has been built around our practical learnings and experience of implementing remote monitoring solutions. Our aim for these resources is that they are quick and easy to digest as we appreciate that colleagues’ time can be scarce. However, there are a lot of in-depth guides available to support colleagues with implementing virtual wards and remote monitoring. We have collated some of these resources into one place to make it easier to find support when you need it, on topics outlined in the Implementation Wheel.

The library will be regularly reviewed and updated. Please share widely with your colleagues and do get in touch if you have any queries.

Please share your thoughts with us

We would really value your feedback to help us understand how useful our resources have been, anything that worked particularly well and anything we could have done differently. This will help us shape any similar programmes in the future to ensure we are supporting you as best we can. Please take a few minutes to complete our feedback survey.

Sustaining your new or redesigned service

Once your service is up and running, it is important to ensure that it is sustainable beyond the end of the project. This will ensure that the time, effort and money invested in implementing the service continues to benefit patients, families, carers, staff and the system into the future. In the infographic below we outline things to consider including benefits realisation, evaluation, net zero impact, financial analysis, the business case and lessons learnt.