Mechanisms to support Elective Recovery
One consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic has been the growing backlog of patients on waiting lists for elective services. As pandemic response activities continue slow down, the NHS is starting to restore and ramp up the delivery of non-urgent services. There is a clear need for healthcare systems work differently in order to optimise service efficiency and manage the patients in their waiting lists effectively.
We are hosting this webinar in partnership with NHS England’s Yorkshire & North East regional team to provide an over view for healthcare organisations and systems across the region about programmes of work that are taking place to support elective recovery.
The agenda for this webinar includes:
- Kathy Scott, Deputy Chief Executive at Yorkshire & Humber AHSN will provide an overview of their innovation and improvement programmes and how they can support organisations with recovery.
- Professor Tim Briggs, Chair of the Getting It Right First Time (GIRFT) programme and National Director of Clinical Improvement for the NHS will focus on the work GIRFT is undertaking to support systems and regions with Elective recovery, and the opportunities to work collaboratively to optimise clinical pathways at a system and provider level.
- Dr Liz Linguard, Transformation Lead (North East & Yorkshire), NHS England and Improvement will discuss how the national Health Inequalities Programme, with its regional networks, connections with partner organisations and systems are aiming to ensure that we build back fairer and work to reduce health inequalities as we go about recovering our Elective services.
- Q&A session
Who should attend
This event is open to anyone with an interest in knowing more about these initiatives but it will be of particular interest to those working in outpatient services, non-urgent surgery and in the commissioning of elective services.