Reducing harm from opioids in chronic non-cancer pain management
About this event
The Medicine Safety Improvement Programme (MedSIP) is part of the National Patient Safety Strategy. The programme aims to address the most important causes of severe harm associated with medicines, most of which have been known about for years but continue to challenge the health and care systems in England.
One of the current priorities within the MedSIP programme is reducing harm from prescribed opioid medicines used in chronic pain.
Management of ‘chronic non-cancer pain’ requires personalised care and shared decision making at its core with patients requiring a mixture of biopsychosocial support so that they can live well with pain. Opioids are a highly effective class of analgesics and, when used judiciously, are of great benefit to many people living with pain. However, in the case of ‘chronic non-cancer pain’, when the source of long-term pain does not have a cause that can be treated, opioids can do more harm than good, particularly when used at higher doses.
We invite you to join us for a webinar hosted by Yorkshire & Humber Academic Health Science Network (AHSN) exploring some key topics when addressing how to reduce harm from opioids for people living with chronic non-cancer pain.
Speakers include:
• Lis Farquhar, Advanced Clinical Pharmacist and Vivienne Laidler, Clinical Psychologist, who run a chronic pain management clinic together at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust speaking on their multi-disciplinary approach, the importance of building patient relationships and the impact they have seen from their work
• Kerry Page, Programme Manager at Keighley Healthy Living, a charity based in Keighley West Yorkshire, speaking on her experience of the socioeconomic, social prescribing and community support elements of chronic pain management
• Lyndsey Clayton, Medicines Safety Officer at Wakefield place within the West Yorkshire ICS speaking about the use of prescribing data to identify patients potentially at risk of harm from opioid prescribing for chronic non-cancer pain
• A person with lived experience of opioids and chronic pain management sharing their journey
Why should you join us?
• Become part of a friendly network of colleagues from across the Yorkshire & Humber region who have an interest in this subject and are keen to share learning and experiences
• Build confidence with having patient conversations about their chronic pain and potential to reduce their opioid prescription
• Learn more about the importance of social prescribing and community support for patients living with chronic pain and examples of available support in the community
• Learn about the sources of data available to identify patients potentially at risk of harm and how to use this data