Delivering the NHS Long Term Plan: Part 3
Posted: 1st March 2019
For today’s example of how we are supporting delivery of the NHS Long Term Plan we’re focusing on action on prevention and health inequalities.
The plan signals a clear focus on prevention, recognising that the NHS can take important action to ‘complement’ the role of local authorities and the contribution of government, communities, industry and individuals. A ‘renewed’ NHS prevention programme will focus on making the most of the role of the NHS in influencing behaviour change.
ESCAPE-Pain is a programme selected as one of the national AHSN Network’s shared priorities for adoption and spread. Here is a brief insight into what the programme delivers and the work we are doing to support its implementation across Yorkshire and Humber:
ESCAPE-Pain is a group rehabilitation programme for people with knee and/or hip osteoarthritis that provides self-management support in the community.
Approved by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, it is recognised as having a transformative impact on physical and mental wellbeing. It is proven to be both clinically effective and cost effective by:
- Reducing pain
- Improving physical function
- Improving the psychosocial consequences of pain
- Reducing healthcare and utilisation costs
ESCAPE-pain is referenced in the NHS Long Term Plan as an example of a support service that can keep people healthy and reduce pressure on front line services
We have made good progress in implementing the programme across Yorkshire and Humber.
Since April 2018 we have engaged with over 20 different organisations, trained 33 facilitators between October and December 2018, including physiotherapists and fitness instructors working in a range of settings to suit local pathways.
In April 2018 there were three sites starting to deliver ESCAPE-pain. There are now 15 sites either delivering or on the verge of starting to deliver ESCAPE-pain. We are in discussions with several other places interested in adopting ESCAPE-pain.
Figures to December 2018 show that 94 patients have completed the course.
Recently the Barnsley Community Musculoskeletal ESCAPE-pain team won the Excellence in Improving Health Award at South West Yorkshire Partnership Trust’s Excellence Awards. This video explains the work the team has been doing.
More information:
If you’d like to find out more about our ESCAPE-pain programme or you’d like to start working with us in this area please contact:
Oliver Barnes, Population Health Programme Lead,
For more information about what we do and how we are supporting the delivery of the Long Term Plan please contact:
Kathy Scott, Deputy CEO and Chief Operating Officer,
Additional resources:
Our response to the Long Term Plan
Yorkshire & Humber AHSN ESCAPE Pain Workstream
ESCAPE-pain website
AHSN Network ESCAPE-pain programme