Meet our 2020 cohort: I.M.M.E
Posted: 1st February 2021
Craig Chaytor started his career as a chef, processing to head chef, before something changed in his life and he found a way to help others. His product I.M.M.E is an interactive physical book combined with technology – inside is sensory therapy driven adventures he has created to help children in difficult situations.
What was the idea borne out of/ what is the main challenge that the product is trying to solve?
The idea actually came from my daughter. She struggles in life with her disability called Williams Syndrome. She showed an interest in Virtual Reality but could not use it as it was too much of a sensory overload for her. I couldn’t find any platform designed for children with a disability to help them in V.R so my daughter inspired me. While working full time I study day and night learning all the skills I needed in sensory therapy and making virtual reality for my daughter to use.
The challenge my product is trying to solve is providing children who are in hospitals and are feeling anxious, scared plus many other things to feel safe. If a doctor wants to do a medical procedure on a child, they can use my product to help calm them so the doctors can do their job. It can also help within the education system, schools can use it to help others. My product is called I.M.M.E which means Imagine Making Memories Everywhere – it is named after my daughter her name is Imogen and her nickname is Imme so I named it after her because she is the one who inspired me and I wanted her to be part of this forever.
When did the idea first move into development?
Only recently has my product moved into development.
Who is the main target audience for the platform?
Children who have a disability are my main target audience but it is designed to help any child.
Is the platform live? If not, where in the development stage is the project at?
It will be live very soon hopefully, we are in the works of making a functional prototype.
How did you find the Propel@YH application process?
You found me through a lovely lady from Barclays HQ in London, who I met when I presented at the Bonus Arena Tech week. I applied and got selected and here I am today.
What have you found the most insightful or useful part of the programme so far?
Everything! I literally can not fault the programme the schedule works well, the team is so helpful and supportive it is just an amazing programme to be on.
What advice would you give to yourself if you were to apply again?
Breathe and take it slow. You are a confident person, take your time and don’t rush the pitch.
What are you most looking forward to learning about in the programme’s masterclasses?
The masterclasses are eye-opening for a guy like me coming from a hospitality and catering background and it is a huge career change. I wouldn’t change it for the world. Every class is educating me to be a better person to develop not only myself but my product and I have become so much more confident doing so. Every class is important for me to learn from.