Evaluation and Reset
In a time of unprecedented crisis, health and care organisations across the region had to develop and implement rapid innovative solutions to support the health and care needs of patients and local communities in a safe way. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, health and care teams from individual trusts to the system as a whole worked together to make rapid changes to the way they deliver services.
We supported colleagues across the North East and Yorkshire and Humber to evaluate the impact of such changes in order to identify valuable learning that could inform short, medium and long-term plans.
Our initial work with colleagues at North East & North Cumbria AHSN and their North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care System, South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Integrated Care System, West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health and Care Partnership and Humber, Coast and Vale Health and Care Partnership explored the rapid service transformations that were implemented in response to the challenges posed by the pandemic.
This work resulted in the publication of research-led Rapid Insights reports to capture these significant changes that were possible through digital innovation, reconfiguring services and enhanced partnership collaboration:
The rapid insights and evaluation programme has been fundamental in helping us to better understand the scale of changes made across our five places during the pandemic.
Being able to share learning from the rapid insights work across the four North East and Yorkshire ICSs in a regional network has also been helpful. Lisa Kell, Director of Commissioning, SYB ICS
Read the full Rapid Insights report
“Yorkshire & Humber AHSN colleagues have added immense value to our rapid insights learning and innovation work. From design and start-up, through to data capture, engagement and compilation of case studies, we have benefitted from the thought diversity, creativity and rigour of approaches and experience provided.” Jo Farn, Programme Director for Systems & Leadership Development, WYH HCP
“It has been a privilege to work collaboratively with North East and Yorkshire Integrated Care Systems, NHS England and NHS Improvement, and colleagues at North East and North Cumbria AHSN (NENC) to evaluate the impact of such changes in order to identify valuable learning that could inform short, medium and long-term plans. Yorkshire & Humber AHSN has been in a prime position to support our partners in the challenging task of identifying and understanding the impact of current changes for the future of the health and care systems at local, regional, national and international level with the objective of informing long-term reset planning” Prof Julia Newton, Medical Director NENC AHSN
Read the full Rapid Insights report
A full comprehensive list of all the case studies conducted with key stakeholders across the North East and Yorkshire to evidence examples of best practice and innovative solutions to common problems is also available.
In this article our CEO Richard Stubbs reflects on the incredible work done in the past year to capture service transformations and lessons learnt across the North East and Yorkshire in response to the challenges posed by the pandemic.
If you would like to find out more about our work in this area please email us at info@yhahsn.com