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The Innovation Ecosytem Programme report champions the need for innovation adoption

Posted: 2nd December 2024

We welcome the Innovation Ecosytem Programme report recommendations, drafted by Roland Sinker, which covers how the UK can lead the way globally in health gains and life sciences powered growth.

The report champions the need for innovation adoption and rightly highlights the need for a focus on clearly defined national health innovation priorities. We welcome the incentivisation of partnership working required to deliver innovation, and the need for improved alignment and shared accountability for innovation adoption performance.  

Achieving greater impact and value from faster and more extensive adoption of health innovation is critical to delivering the three shifts articulated by government and expected to be emphasised in the 10 year plan. 

The 15 health innovation networks are the health innovation adoption experts and we’re looking forward to continuing our work with partners to deliver on the ambition of the Innovation Ecosystem Programme, in a locally relevant way.

Our decade’s experience of innovating in the NHS has demonstrated that innovation is a team sport, and it works best when all the necessary players are enabled to play their specific, but coordinated, roles as the examples laid out in this report highlight.  

The Health Innovation Network also warmly welcome the call for investment in the innovation adoption capability and capacity that is required to deliver impact from innovation at pace and scale, and the focus this report places on the people, culture and tools to deliver transformation is hugely reflective of our own experience.  

Innovation is not an off the shelf product that gets delivered to the system. While technology is often the focus, widespread adoption of innovation requires organisational and cultural shifts, which in turn need practical support and guidance to achieve.  It also, as the report signals, requires local adaptation. 

Despite this vital review pre-dating the change in Government, these recommendations rightly highlight the huge potential of health innovation’s role to deliver on the Government’s health and growth missions, and well-articulates how critical building a focus on supporting the implementation of innovation should be to the 10 year plan and Innovation Adoption Strategy.  

We are delighted to have been a part of this important work, and the 15 local health innovation networks stand ready to adapt and respond to help implement the recommendations, and look forward to working with partners to deliver on the ambition of the Innovation Ecosystem Programme, in a locally relevant way.  

Read the report and its recommendations in full.